Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday June 29, 2010

the final 2 of my block animals I tested for Martha I love the dachsund and the lamb :)

Didnt do much tatting yesterday, Went to Debbies for Tat and chat, came home and did a bunch of stuff, had supper showered, my son came back from being with his TSS and then bed for everyone while I stayed up and tatted a little while watching Alfred Hitchcock I love those shows, and outer limits and the twilight zone...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wakky Wednesday was indeed one of those days...

My son was acting up again (BIG SURPRISE) he was being mean and other things I am not getting into it right now.
I had a big hang nail (ingrown nail) whatever you want to call it on my thumb I had to dig and cut and pull, normally these things don't bother me much but WOW that one was nasty it hurt alot...

Then Ned, my older dog who is sometimes a grouchy butt-head decided that since I was picking something off of him it was ok for him to snip me, he got my finger ok no harm done, I stopped then after a bit I was petting his head and then he did it. He bit me HARD I mean I was in shock and cried I seriously think the crying was part pain part moody-ness I cried for a couple hours. And still feel like crying more, I think its just a mix of everything that came out, stress, worry, lack of sleep etc... I am a bit mad at Ned for biting me, and he knows it. My hand hurts but I can still tat lol

And after my cry - out I took a nice bath and soaked my hand. It was nice then Shannan and I went up to get the mail and I was in a little bit of a better mood, I got NO BILLS today woo hoo but I did get all this
Beads, pony shuttles 2 blue and 2 yellow :) I have never seen them before, and 2 books all winnings off of Ebay... Damn you Ebay you are the devil lol I tend to get a bit addicted when browsing and bidding but thankfully alot of my biddings were losses :)

Well I may ice my hand for awhile my eyes are stinging from being a bawl baby. I am working on some nice tatting and also I will be drawing names from the giveaway within a few days.

Have a good day

Tatting Tea Tuesday June 22,2010

he only tatting I accomplished for Tatting Tea Tuesday was one of Martha's Test Critters.... A sweet little skunk...
He doesn't smell too bad hee hee

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I have placed some of my HDT on clearance in my Etsy shop to make way for NEW NEW NEW HDT I am starting dying (thread that is) and Shuttle Making on Monday June 21, 2010
Take a Peek ;)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday June 15, 2010

was a very interesting and fun day... Shannan and I packed up our tatting and went to Debbies for Tat & Chat.... I so love that time.
Nate is on day 3 of  his summer treatment camp and he is doing great. Yesterday he slipped a little note into my bead storage, after we got back from Debbies I found it:
WOW I teared up it was so sweet... And last night I was sitting here messing around on my lap top and I heard him mumbling or what I thought was mumbling I looked and he was petting Ned ever so gently and singing "go to sleep, go to sleep my little Neddy" another WOW. He is usually aggressive and mean.
On Monday Shannan painted my toe nails, She is awesome :) They are black with multi glitter. Pretty cool huh?!
While at Debbies she wanted to learn block tatting, so we worked on it we decided to do Martha Ess' hat pattern - from her New Critters on the Block book... You can see Debbies HERE!
Debbie also took us to see her bunnies. How cute they were... I am a sucker for animals if I could I would live in a zoo. LOL
Here aer some photos I took while checking out the babies..
I love the skull I dont know why I just do. The butterfly thingy was amazingly still for me to take its photo
Mamma and Baby... This touches my heart, you can see the love she has for them
Cute Baby, Debbie is holding it :)
Can we say CUTIE PA-TOOTIES!!! I love bunnies I want to have them again. lol
I took this one after Shannan and I got home

And last night before bed I finished another Martha Ess Critter a GEORGOUS Butterfly
I REALLY REALLY REALLY cant wait for her book to be out

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday June 15, 2010

the post will have to wait until tomorrow. Blogger isnt cooperating tonight BLAH!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

And another Martha Ess Critter

I am so happy Martha asked me to test tat I have fallen in love with block tatting I thought it would be alot harder than it is... I love this latest critter a BIRD. Shannan picked the thread, and has already claimed it as her own.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Whale & Giraffe

2 more of Martha's critters i am so in love with block tatting now I was always afraid to do it and now ehhhh I love it

Here the kids are getting acquainted, They are very quiet, play peacefully together and they listen very well.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Attention Shuttle Collectors...

I can imagine you all have seen this but just in case you didn't look HERE.

I would like THIS shuttle.

This SITE is interesting.

And for my PA Lacing Pals I didnt even know they had this...

Test Tatting for Martha Ess

I was so thrilled when Martha asked me to help her out with something... Her projects for Palmetto Tat Days since I understand both shuttle and needle and can go back and forth. She wanted to know if some of her georgous designs could be done with the needle and of course I jumped at the idea. Yes Jane I used the needle, lol.
I could only do 3 of her lovelies in needle and here they are

And then she also asked me to test her block animals YIKES. I have only ever attempted block tatting just to see if I could do it, and I did it. So this is the very 1st completed block tatting item I had made, not bad for my first one huh? The bead I used for this Rhino's eye is a bit big.

500th post )(We're Havin a Party)(

... not really lol. WOW this is my 500th post I cant believe this I have been blogging for 2 years already, guess I just talk too much ha ha... I have made so many wonderful tatting friends, you are all wonderfully - awesome!!!
To commemerate my 500th post and 2 years of blogging and my 99th follower ;) I will have a tatted jewelry give away. I haven't made the jewelry yet, its in experimental mode at the moment, soooooooooo that means respond to this post, I must know you, please no anonymous people because its always so hard to track them down, in other words I should know you from your response to other posts etc...
 Depending on the number of responders depends on the number of prizes to be given away. Entries will be taken until June 18 (David and my 12th wedding anniversary) Drawing will be the following Monday.
Good Luck and thanks for your wonderful friendships, advice, support, etc...
♥ you all

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday was also my kids last day of school...
My son has been acting up more lately, I dont know why. Its making me crazy.
On to the tatting post
First of all I made this for Shannan but it got lost already we think the dog took it, our big dog bruce who resides outside he jumped at her when she was giving him treats and then we didnt notice it was gone until later, ohhhh well guess I will just have to make another hee hee

I have also been working on String Art... And tatting with wire...

And I got a WONDERFUL package in the mail on Saturday, from Is'dihara. See it was only supposed to be the king tut thread (the varigated purples) the color of course is called Heather :) She also gave me some other threads, which I cant wait to use and some Tea, that will be my special drink for next weeks TTT. And last but not least a POP A BOBBIN shuttle, now i have 2 of them... I cant thank you enough Is'Dihara little things like that mean the world to me...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday June 1, 2010

This Tatting Tea Tuesday was one of those days... I went to my moms and got her an etsy shop set up but not completely she needs the pay pal portion done but not yet and she even got a blog I cant wait for her to start blogging and selling on Etsy my mom is a creative woman. She taught me to crochet, sew and do all kinds of neat things as well as teaching me how to cook, and take care of my man :0)
I started to work on this for a necklace and the design just wasn't quite right.
And as you can tell Ned wasn't too impressed with it either lol
So off I go to re-design it...