Thursday, August 20, 2009


...your children really surprise you!
Let me tell you about last night my 10 year old, sometimes drama queen, most of the time sassy, bossy and sweet. Was being really bad last night my son went to a big amusement park as a field trip for summer camp. He was happy and talking about it all evening well Shannan was getting pretty mad because in her words "yea he gets to do fun things while i sit here and do nothing fun EVER" I was hurt by this I take her places we have gotten ice cream now and then etc. With gas prices and stuff I wasnt able to do all I wanted to with her this summer. I felt bad I told her to stop and put her on time outs. She still kept at it. Finally at 7:30 I had it and sent both of them to bed. She knew I was angry at her and hurt by what she said and did. I was near tears and know I should expect this behaviour "sometimes". This morning she woke up a bit early and told me "mom I have something for you" I had forgotten about the night before, until she reminded me she made me this...

It brought tears to my eyes because she and my son RARELY apologize for their actions. This touched me ALOT! She likes to crochet and I got some neat o necklaces earrings and bracelets and 2 small scrubbies for dishes.


Crazy Mom! said...

Her apology is so sweet!

*♥* Heather *♥* said...

thanks!! my kids can be sweet when they want to... THANKS for stopping by...