Monday, September 8, 2008

25 Motif Challenge 24 of 25

Ohhh man I am nearly done LOL Guess I will HAVE to start more ;)
This is my most favorite design yet I love it and Its the first attempt at anything so pretty.
Click for Larger View
This butterfly was done after I seen a picture in a book it was for icing making here is the picture I seen
Now mine is nothing near to this but its where I got the idea from
My beauty is made with size 10 thread and 5 needle
Thread colors are as follows
Lt Yellow
Med Pink
Baby Blue
Mint Green
R: 20 cl
SR: 2-2-2-2-2 / 10 cl
SR: 2-2-2-2-2 / 10 cl
SR: 11 / 11 cl tie knot and leave thread for antennae
+ @ 1st p
R: 5-5-4-4 cl dnr
Put needle through next p
R: 4+7-3-4 cl dnr
Put needle through next p
R: 4+5-2-3-4 cl dnr
Put needle through next p
R: 4+4-4 cl dnr
CH: 4+ @ next p
R: 4+5-3-3-4 cl dnr
Put needle through next p
R: 4+3-3-4 cl dnr
Put needle through next p
R: 4+3-3-4 cl dnr
Put needle through next p
R: 4+3-2 cl
Cut Tie Hide Ends
+ @ top p
CH: 8-8 +(next p) dnr
CH: 8-8 +(next p) dnr
CH: 4-4 +(next p) dnr
CH: 2-2 +(next p) dnr
CH: 5-5 +(next p) dnr
CH: 3-3 +(next p) dnr
CH: 2-2 +(next p) dnr
CH: 4-4 +(next p) dnr
CH: 5-5 +(next p) dnr
Cut Tie Hide Ends
R: 6+(1st p)3-3 cl dnr
SR: 7-3 / 10+(p) cl dnr
SR: 6-4 / 10 cl dnr
SR: 5-2 / 7+(p) cl dnr
SR: 4 / 4 +(p) cl dnr
SR: 3-7 / 4+(p) cl
Cut Tie Hide Ends
R: 7+(sk 1p + @ next)3+(next p)5 cl dnr
R: 4-2 cl dnr
R: 2-4 cl
Cut Tie Hide Ends
+ @ 1st p @ top
CH: 8-4+(p)dnr
CH: 6-4+(p)dnr
CH: 5-5-5+(p)dnr
CH: 8-7+(p)dnr
CH: 8-4-5+(p on yellow)dnr
CH: 10 rw
R: 4+(p)4 cl rw
CH: 12 dnr
R: 3- --- -3 cl dnr
CH: 15 rw
R: 4+(p)4 cl rw
CH 16+(p on yellow)
Cut Tie Hide Ends
+ @ 1st p on top
CH: 15 rw
R: 4+4 cl rw
CH: 15 rw
R: 5+5 cl rw
CH: 10 rw
R: 6+6 cl rw
CH: 15 rw
R: 7+7 cl rw
CH: 15 rw
R: 9+9 cl rw
CH 10+ last p
Cut Tie Hide Ends

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